
  • January 12, 2000

    Low-Income Workers Policy Resolution

    JCRC of Greater Washington

    The American Jewish Community has a long and distinguished tradition of being in the forefront of efforts to reduce economic poverty in the United States. There are several reasons for this. In addition to the Jewish immigrant experience in this nation, the concept of “Tikkun Olam” (repair of the world) requires Jews to work for the welfare of all persons. Moreover, Judaism embodies a sense of ethical responsibility to everybody in our nation to assure them the basic necessities of life and to use our efforts to provide all people with the ability to maintain their economic well-being and dignity.

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  • November 21, 1989

    Statement on 1989 District of Columbia Appropriations Act Restrictions

    JCRC of Greater Washington

    The Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington has been on record for over 40 years in support of self-determination for the citizens of the District of Columbia in local affairs, and representation of District citizens in the national government equal to all other American citizens. During the 1970's advances were made in local home-rule, giving limited elected self-government to the District.

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