Affordable Housing Policy

Policy Resolution

Decent, safe, accessible, and affordable housing is a basic human right. As embodied in the landmark United States Housing Act of 1937, it is the goal of the United States to provide “decent and affordable housing for all citizens.” The federal Fair Housing Act provides that housing is a civil right and that discrimination in housing related matters is a violation of federal law.

Jewish tradition recognizes the importance of the home; we are taught that the home is a mikdash me’at—a mini sanctuary, a sacred place.

On Sukkot, we are taught that there is only complete joy when everyone - including and especially the marginalized in our communities - is celebrating joyfully as well.

The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (JCRC) strongly believes that a lack of affordable housing is a significant crisis facing our region and our Nation and urges federal, state and local governments to take immediate action to meet the urgency of this issue.  We also believe that JCRC has a major role to play in raising awareness in our community about this critically important situation.

Our policy positions, outlined below, are rooted in both the Jewish value of tikkun olam—repairing the world-- and American ideals.

Select the link below to read the Affordable Housing  Resolution.
