Brown Bag Lunch Speakers Series

From the Board Room to the Dorm Room: How to Make Fighting Antisemitism an American Civic Value

The JCRC of Greater Washington, American Jewish Committee (AJC), The American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (AAJLJ), The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington Next Gen Lawyers and Lawyers Divisions, and Tzedek DC invite you to the next session in our Brown Bag Lunch Speakers Series, for a discussion with Stacy Burdett, Consultant, Antisemitism Prevention and Response, who brings her many years as an Executive with the ADL and the Holocaust Museum to the discussion.




Date & Time



Stacy Burdett

Stacy Burdett Consultant, Antisemitism Prevention and Response

Stacy Burdett works with corporations, nonprofits and policymakers on strategies to prevent and respond to anti-Semitism and to integrate that work into systems and institutional culture. She served as the ADL’s Vice President for Government Relations, Advocacy and Community Engagement and was the Director of Government & External Relations at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC. 

She has served on advisory boards for: The William S. Cohen Institute for Leadership & Public Service, University of Maine; The Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Project.  She is on the board of directors of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, The Capital Jewish Museum in Washington, DC, and Tivnu, the nation’s only Jewish gap year program in Portland, OR.


AJC Washington, DC
The American Association of Jewish Lawyers & Jurists
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Tzedek DC